Thursday, November 25, 2010


Our Singapore muslim community under the roof of , is organising QURBAN/AQIQAH services for all muslims.

We are also pleased to be assigned by MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura) to help for slaughtering in the mosques during Eid-ul-Adha.

Our teachers are able to help in managing Qurban activities for those who wants to perform their Qurban/Aqiqah duty. We operates throughout the year for Qurban/Aqiqah Services.

Indeed, we are focused on serving the people and reiterate our commitment to this project essentially for its religious and community service value. 

Our team of ustaz specialists pledge to strive & endeavour to meet the needs of the Muslim community in this blessed religious.

We seek your prayers and kind support as we join hands in the spirit of Sacrifice, Compassion & Social Responsibility to reap the Blessings of Allah s.w.t, Insya’Allah.

Contact us

e-mail us : 


No 29 Lorong Marzuki,
Singapore 417088

Tel 1 : +65 6618 0455
Tel 2 : +65 9683 8473

if you have any questions,  feel free to drop us e-mail!

Photo Gallery

This year we were very blessed to have our Qurban/Aqiqah done in Masjid Darul Aman. Here are some of the photos taken during the qurban sessions.


The Slaughtering.



The Skinning Process

Another successful Qurban mission.

All Qurban/Aqiqah donors will received certificates from us.

To register for your Qurban/Aqiqah, CLICK HERE .

Qurban (sacrifice) is Wajib (mandatory).
There is no substitute for Qurban (sacrifice).

Register Now

The act of Qurban (Sacrifice) is carried out by millions of Muslims every year during Eid Al-Adha following the example of the father of Prophets, Ibrahim (AS).

Allah (SWT) says in the Quran : "It is neither their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him". (Al Qur'an, Ch:22 v:37)

The prophet Muhammad s.a.w  was asked "What is Qurban?", He answered, "It is the sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS), for every hair of the Qurban you will receive a reward from Allah and for every hair in the wool you will receive a reward". (Hadith - Ibn Maja and Tirmidhi).

**View other photos from Qurban 2010


To give you a better service, simply (Email) these details to us.

1. Name :
2. Contact Number :
3. Address :
4. Messages / Details :

Or you can simply visit us at :

No 29 Lorong Marzuki,
Singapore 417088

Tel 1 : +65 6618 0455
Tel 2 : +65 9683 8473

**Please do call us before you come down to avoid disappointment.

Qurban/Aqiqah Services

Every year, our Singapore muslim community under the roof of , is organising QURBAN/AQIQAH services for muslims via these following organizations :

- United Islamic Cultural Centre of Indonesia(UICCI) in Indonesia.

- United Islamic Cultural Centre of the Philippines (UNICEP) in the Philippines.

- Camlica Student Hostel (C.S.H.B) in Bangladesh.

For those who are interested to perform their Qurban duty, PLEASE CONTACT the undersigned  numbers (+65 9683 8473) or visit us at your convenience.

Our muslim community is more than happy to serve you in your Qurban needs. Alternatively, you can Click Here to REGISTER your Qurban/Aqiqah. Please contact us ASAP as soon as you have made your payment.


Payment Methods

1. Cash Payment -
You may personally come to our Address at No 29 Lorong Marzuki, Singapore 417088 ,
or call us at : (+65 9683 8473 or +65 6618 0455) to arrange for your cash payment.  

2. Bank Transfer -

DBS Bank : DBS Current Account : 033-026168-3 - "Mr. ASLAN IHSAN"

OCBC Bank : OCBC Account : 650 842099001 -  "Mr. ASLAN IHSAN"

3. By Cheque -
You may send a Cheque to us, issued to the name "IHSAN ASLAN" , and you can post to our address.

To : I-Read Quran Centre
Attn : Ustaz Ihsan Aslan
Address : 29 Lorong Marzuki, Singapore 417088

* * Kindly tell us which country you want your Qurban to be served to help the needy muslims * *


Qurban price is SGD 130 for sheep / goat and SGD 120 for cow, for all the following countries :







** Click brochure to enlarge

About Us

We are a Singapore based, a Qur'an teaching center with a pure aims of teaching Quran to every age groups, from as young as five years of age.

As a muslim, we strongly believe in the importance of reading Quran, as a vital part of our lives, while striving on the path of Islamic values. This is also in strict adherence to the principles of the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. In this regard, our aims is simple :

"Teaching Quran to every muslims". We conduct all our teaching sessions
in English language. Additionally, we are offering quite
flexible timing and the curriculums, depending on the different needs of various age groups, working people, students, parents and so on.

Our teachers (Ustazs) are particularly very well educated in advanved islamic sciences, under years of relevant education.

With our system, a new beginner usually is able to start reading Qur'an in only 10 days. We achieve this with our special teaching methods. Since our Quran teaching system covers every age groups, in fact, many fathers, and sons, sit together to learn Quran in our classrooms.


What We Do

Our main activities basically cover the followings :

1. Teaching Quran :

~ For every age groups, we conduct lessons for learning how to read Quran. Click for more details

2. Teaching Islamic Sciences :
~ We cover teaching of basic islamic rules and practises, as well as advanced islamic subjects. Click for more details

3. Islamic Events/Gatherings :

~ We periodically conduct gatherings for our students, parents of our students, as well as open-house activity to everybody as muslim gathering. Usually we perform these occasions in Hari Raya days. Click for more details

4. Qurban Services :
~ Our teachers are able to help in managing Qurban activities for those who wants to perform their Qurban duty. We manage to help for slaughtering in the mosques, assigned by MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura). Click for more details


Why We Do

Our objective is straightforward ; We believe in the blessing of learning and reading Qur'an. Therefore, as a muslim, we strive to teach Qur'an.
